Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Measure for Measure Essay Lord Angelos Hypocrisy

Lord Angelos Hypocrisy in Measure for Measure Within ‘Measure for Measure’ Shakespeare presents the notion that mankinds corruption is not necessarily born by power, but rather already innate in humanity. Shakespeare argues that power is not a producer of corruption by presenting the Duke, who holds the most power, as a moral hero, and conversely revealing the corruption of the powerless class (through characters like, Pompey, Mistress Overdone, and Barnadine). Shakespeare uses Lord Angelo in Measure for Measure to show that corruption is innate within mankind whilst Angelo is a symbolism for pharisaical fanaticism in the play. Its interesting to note that Lord Angelos name evokes an image of purity and†¦show more content†¦Lucios only explanation on why Angelo is a harsh ruler is because he thinks that Angelo doesnt understand human vulnerabilities: that being a propensity to lust and covet. And though Lucio is deceived, he makes a strong case for innate depravity by his reference to that natural edge that all individuals have the misfortune to struggle with. Furthermore, Angelo seems to be have a particularly pure edge, by trying to remain humble when offered the Dukes seat: Let there be some more test be made of my mettle/ Before so noble and so great a figure/ Be stampd upon it†. However simultaneously through Angelo, Shakespeare comes to show that even the most seemingly pure character is filled with the same passions and lusts that are born within each person. Angelos image of holiness causes the Duke to worry. The Duke places Angelo in authority because of his precise nature, and wants him to enforce the laws, which have been stagnant for fourteen years. But the Duke cant really leave Vienna, because he is unsure of how Angelo will act. The Duke reveals his worries to Friar Thomas and argues that Angelo scarce confesses That his blood flows; or that his appetite Is more to bread than stone†. The Duke understands and knows that Angelo is bound to the same humanShow MoreRelated Measure for Measure Essay: Immorality and Corruption1576 Words   |  7 PagesCorruption in Measure for Measure      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In ‘Measure for Measure’, Shakespeare demonstrates that there is an innate immorality and corruption in the heart of man. Shakespeare illustrates that power does not cause corruption.   This is achieved by presenting the Duke, who has the most power in Vienna, as a moral hero, and conversely revealing the corruption of the powerless class through characters including Pompey, Mistress Overdone, and Barnadine.   Through all this, Shakespeare uses Lord Angelo in

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