Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Develop a Personal Leadership Model

Question: Discuss about the Develop a Personal Leadership Model. Answer: Introduction Leaders play very important roles in organizations that they lead. Basically they provide overall guidance to employees on what needs to be done, how it is supposed to be done, when it is supposed to be done and by whom. By this, they ensure that everything at the work place is being carried out in an orderly manner without confusing the employees (Day, 2014). Leadership is the act of influencing a group towards achievement of certain predetermined goals. A leader is able to guide and influence the behavior of the people that he or she leads. Leaders adopt different leadership styles based on the attributes that they possess. There are those who adopt servant leadership, authoritarian leadership, charismatic leadership, situational leadership among other forms of leadership (Adair, 2010). Main idea My leadership model will be based on three leadership areas including ethics, team work and leadership theory. Precisely based on this leadership model, much emphasis will be laid on a collaborative approach instead of a boss servant approach of doing things. Additionally, the model also emphasizes on ethical conduct of a leader regarding their association and interaction with their team as well as attributes that make different leaders unique. So the main idea will be what separates exemplary leaders from the rest based on their unique attributes. Effective leadership Leadership Traits A trait is an attribute or a quality that makes a person unique from the rest. In the context of organizational leadership, leadership traits are what differentiate one leader from the other. Emotional stability Leaders usually encounter a lot of challenges from having to deal with difficult employees to taking responsibility for actions performed by the employees that they lead, having to meet deadlines among other work place pressures. However a good leader is expected to maintain emotional stability in the face of all these work pressures Effective leaders are those that can deal with high levels of stress and cope in the most difficult situations (Harwiki, 2016.) Integrity Another most important leadership attribute is integrity. A leader must be of unquestionable character. They must actually do what is right instead of pretending to do what is right. Its commonly said that the followers of a certain leader embody the attributes possessed by that leader. If a leader is of questionable integrity, the same will be displayed in his or her followers (Polelle,2008). Inspiration Leader need to be in a position to inspire the people that they lead both through their actions and what they say. If a leader is inspirational in nature, they will affect the behavior of their subordinates positively and make them to strive for higher goals. Decisiveness Leaders need to be effective decision makers. In the course of their duties, leaders are usually confronted with a number of challenges or situations that require them to make speedy and accurate decisions. Unless they possess this attribute, they are likely to encounter challenges (Rumsey, 2013). Leadership Skills These are the skills that enable leaders to lead effectively Communication Leaders exercise authority over a number of people in their organization. For this reason, they need to be in constant communication either to offer training, guidance or to delegate duties. However they cannot do this effectively if they are not good communicators. This makes communication skills a very important attribute that need to be posed by leaders. Results driven Great leaders are driven by the achievement of results. They do not sit down and watch as everything unfolds but they are part of unfolding of everything. They lead by example and set targets that are achievable. Such leaders are able to influence their followers towards achievement of certain set targets (Schein, 2010). Builds relationships Relationship building is a very important attribute foe leader. Organizations usually have different people working towards similar goals. For this reason, leaders need to build relationships both between themselves and their group and among the group members by emphasizing the importance of working together as a group. This can improve the output of the group Planning Planning is also an important skill in leadership; leaders are required to formulate different plans for different activities. Sometimes achievement of results is dependent on how effective planning has been done. It is extremely important for a leader to possess excellent planning skills. Leadership tasks These are roles that leaders perform on regular basis Motivating Motivation is the external or internal stimulus that gives a person a reason for doing something. It is the role of leaders to keep motivating their subordinates towards achievement of both personal and organizational goals. Effective leaders ate great motivators (Komives Wagner,2012). Envisioning goals Its the role of leaders to set goals for the groups that they lead. Effective leaders envision goals that are best suited for their groups. They are able to set both short term and long term goals depending on the needs of the groups that they lead (Michael Lochrie,2009) Affirming values Groups are usually guided by certain values that regulate how people relate and associate with each other as well as their overall conduct .Great leaders ensure that there are shared values, beliefs and customs among their group to ensure that the group is focused in the same direction. Core Values Trust Trust is an important component of this model. It emphasizes on building trust among the group member as well as between the group members and the group leader for the achievement of group goals (March Weil, 2005). Openness By emphasizing on team work, openness becomes a very important value for the group, if the group members are open with their leader and vice versa, they will be able to exchange ideas freely and seek solutions for challenges that they may be experiencing. Innovation and creativity By encouraging team work, and avoiding authoritarian leadership, a leader makes it possible for the employees to be innovative and creative in as far as performance of their duties and responsibilities is concerned. This value can make them more efficient. Objectives of the Leadership model Productivity Among other considerations, productivity will be the key objective for this model. This model will create a great sense of trust between the leader and subordinates. Existence of a positive relationship between the leader and the group is likely to have a positive impact on employees productivity Involvement By encouraging team work and consultations employees will get a chance to b involved in decision making over a couple of things that affect them either directly or indirectly. Loyalty With this model, employees will have a chance to voice their concerns; this will make it possible for their needs to be catered for as most of the decisions to be made will recognize the needs of employees. The employees will develop a sense of belonging will be more loyal to their organization. Benefits to groups and organizations Retention of talents In a situation where employee needs will be catered for and the role of employees recognized, there will be a sense of satisfaction on the part of employees which will make them remain with their employer. Increased Profits Employee satisfaction will make employees more productive because they will focus more on their output .Because of this, organization productivity levels will raise resulting to increased profits. Improved group cohesion and output Emphasis on team work will increase collaborations between different employees .Different brains put together will result to increased group output and motivation. Organization/ Group culture under the new model Cooperation Implementation of this model would ensure there is a culture of cooperation among the various stakeholders for the organization, from employees and the management to employees and fellow employees Mutual respect By respecting the rights of employees and involving them in decision-making on matters that affect them directly or indirectly, there will exist some form of respect for the management from the employees. Organization Commitment Employees are likely to be committed to an organization that is concerned about their well being and which considers them as equal partners. If employees are treated well they will remain committed to their organization. Differences with current model This model is different from the current model by the fact that it emphasizes on a servant leadership approach unlike the current model which is authoritarian in nature. Under the current model managers are the sole decision makers. Decision making is made without consultations. It does not focus on team work and collaboration. In short the managers basically impose their will on employees without being mindful of the impact it has on employee (Colker, 2009). The only aim is achievement of what they want to be achieved, they dont really care how. My model will be the opposite of this will seek t consider the input of employees in decision making Application of the new model I will first start by using the model with the people that I lead and because this new model will cater for both the needs of the employees and the need of management, I will then consult with both sides and then incorporate any suggestions and make any changes that may be proposed will then apply the model in one department before spreading it to the whole organization Conclusion Based on the above analysis, it is important to note the important part that leadership plays in organizational success. Because of this reason it is important to ensure that organizations adopt an implement the right leadership model so that the needs and expectations of all players are met. Under the new model, both the needs of employees and those of the management will be met. This will reduce work place disputes significantly. References: Adair, J. E. (2010). Develop your leadership skills. Philadelphia, Kogan Page. https://site.ebrary.com/id/10502449. Colker, J. O. (2009). A grounded theory approach to developing a theory of leadership through a case study of ShoreBank. Phoenix: University of Phoenix. Day, D. V. (2014). The Oxford handbook of leadership and organizations. Harwiki, W., 2016. The Impact of Servant Leadership on Organization Culture, Organizational Commitment, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) and Employee Performance in Women Cooperatives. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 219, pp.283-290. Komives, S. R., Wagner, W. (2012). Leadership for a Better World: Understanding the Social Change Model of Leadership Development. Hoboken, John Wiley Sons. https://www.123library.org/book_details/?id=53439. March, J., Weil, T. (2005). On Leadership: a Short Course. Oxford, John Wiley Sons. https://www.123library.org/book_details/?id=7523. Michael, B., Lochrie, R. J. (2009). Integrity: the core of leadership. Mustang, Okla, Tate Publishing Enterprises. Polelle, M. (2008). Leadership: fifty great leaders and the worlds they made. Westport, Conn, Greenwood Press. Rumsey, M. G. (2013). The Oxford handbook of leadership. New York, Oxford University Press. Schein, E. H. (2010). Organizational culture and leadership. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass.

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